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We have the following positions available: visiting scholars, Postdoc, graduate students and undergraduate students

date: 2023-07-20 15:56  hits:

Applications from highly motivated students to join the group for visiting scholars, Postdoc, PhD, msater, bachelor and  research assistant thesis in the topics of our interests (asymmetric photocatalyzed reactions, chiral catalyst development, rare earth catalysis, etc.) are welcome. Every year, the research group has enough enrollment indicators for doctoral and master's students and key postdoctoral funding indicators of the university. Please submit a Curriculum Vitae and a short research summary to Prof. Chen at

Research intertest:

The Chen group is focusing on earth abundant and rare earth metal catalysis, with an emphasis on novel catalyst development directed asymmetric transformations (with/out light irradiation). We are aimed at developing efficient transformations with a goal of synthesizing pharmaceutical and bioactive molecules. Our research interests also include the in-depth investigation of the reaction mechanisms via DFT calculation, EPR, kinetics, UV-Vis, CV, time resolved spectroscopy, et. al.

Beneficial revenue:

1. Postdoc

The Postdoc benefits are assessed according to candidate’s research background and research plan, with an annual salary of 260,000-400,000 yuan, especially excellent benefits can be further negotiated, and enjoy post-doctoral benefits of Wuhan University (post-doctoral apartments, public health care, children's enrollment, housing provident fund, etc.). You can apply for Wuhan University's "Excellent Postdoctoral Program" (annual salary: 400,000 yuan), "Key post-doctoral funding Program" (there are two places in the research group) and the national level postdoctoral innovative talent support program.

2. For research assistants

The salary is 4000-8000 yuan/month, especially excellent treatment can be further negotiated.

For more information, please visit the corresponding website (


1) 研究方向:






3) 岗位待遇:

       博士后待遇按照科研背景和研究计划进行评定,年薪26-40万,特别优秀的待遇可以进一步协商,享受武汉大学博士后福利待遇(博士后公寓、公费医疗、子女入学、住房公积金等)。可申请武汉大学“卓越博士后计划”(年薪40万)、“重点博后资助计划”(课题组有两个名额)以及国家层次的博士后创新人才支持计划。 研究助理工资 4000-8000 元/月,特别优秀的待遇可以进一步协商。

4) 联系方式:

       本招聘广告长期有效,有意者请将申请材料(个人简历和代表性论文)发送至课题组长邮箱( ),发信请注明”博士后/研究助理申请 + 姓名”,我们会尽快安排交流和面试。